September 7, 2023, Dr Spiro Moraitis passed
away. Dr Moraitis, 27/1/1933-1933- 7/9/2023 was
a tireless worker for addressing the multiple
migrant problems and a driving personality
behind the establishment of the Australian
Greek Welfare Society – “Pronia”(AGWS), in
the early 1970s. He was born in Athens in 1933,
the first child of Anastasia and Haralambos
Moraitis. He came to Melbourne with his parents
in 1939, after having spent two years in
Ethiopia. He studied medicine at the University
of Melbourne and worked for more than five
decades as a General Practitioner in Melbourne
after the late 1950s.
As a
General Practitioner he became acutely aware of
the many health, social, psychological, work and
overwork problems faced by the migrants and
developed the idea of creating a Welfare
Association to effectively address these
Dr Spiros Moraitis, 1933 –
implementing this aim Dr Moraitis was
instrumental in the establishment of the
Australian Greek Welfare Society (AGWS) in 1972
and its subsequent development. He has served on
the Greek Orthodox Community Council (GOCM&V)
Board and was its Vice President for the period
1972 – 1974.
Moraitis has contributed several articles,
relevant to migrant issues to medical journals.
In an interview to me in 2005, (published in
Neos Kosmos, English edition, on Monday 12
September 2005, pages 10-11), he gave an insight
of the issues faced by the general Greek
community at that time, the problems of
migrants, the GOCM&V in the period he was its
Vice President and the difficulties of setting
up the AGWS.
He spoke
first about his childhood and youth years. He
was six when his family arrived in Melbourne in
1939 after having spent two years in Ethiopia.
He was born in Athens as did his father and
paternal grandfather. His mother was born in
Russia, but her family came from Castelorizo.
Spiro remembered his Ethiopian years. His father
was an electrician and worked with the Ethiopian
Railways. They came to Melbourne because Spiro’s
maternal grandfather was in Melbourne since 1928
and emphasised to his father that there were
better opportunities in Australia. Spiro did not
attend the Community’ s after hours school. His
parents provided him with a teacher, Mrs
Piakoulaki, giving him Greek lessons at home.
his early student years, he did not participate
in many Greek activities. Later, at the
university he joined the Olympic Club, an
organisation of young Greek students studying at
the University of Melbourne.
For some years
he used to play Australian rules football for
the Olympic Club. His studies did not leave much
free time to him for many other activities. The
Greek community, even in his teenage years was
his family.
forming of the Australian Greek Welfare Society
Spiro and
concerned people were aware there was an urgent
need for the formation of a welfare body to
address the many migrant problems. They went to
see the bishop Aristarchos in Melbourne. He
understood what they were talking about and for
a year they tried to form a welfare organisation
within the Church. After 12 months, that would
be about 1971, the Archbishop Ezekiel said “No”.
He said they were a bunch of communists and
should be ignored.
Archbishop Ezekiel didn’t want the
Church to have anything to do with this group of
people. Probably he did not understand the
purpose of a welfare organisation not run
directly by the Church. Bishop Aristarchos told
them he could no longer help them because the
Archbishop did not want anything to do with
them. When the Archbishop decided to stop
cooperation, the group with the help of Margaret
Moraitis, organised a meeting of 50-70 people at
their house to discuss the establishment of a
welfare organisation. About 50 people turned up
including bishop Aristarchos. At that meeting
Peter Polites brought his brother Nick Polites
who had retired as a businessman and wanted to
involve himself in community affairs. He became
part of the organisation. Margaret Moraitis made
a tremendous effort sending out invitations and
encouraging people to attend.
There were three main people in the
organising group at that time. Margaret who did
all the administrative work, George Papadopoulos
who brought the intellectual/ academic side of
it and Spiro. They saw that the Greek community
needed a welfare organisation. The question was
how the organisation was going to get government
funding. The advice was that the Church could
not get funding because of its brawl with the
Community and the Community could not get it
because of its brawl with the Church. An
independent organisation could get it. So, they
formed the Greek Professionals Association and
then a sub-committee of that was the Greek
Welfare Association which eventually became the
Australian Greek Welfare Society. The
Secretary at the time was Margaret Moraitis.
Others included George Papadopoulos, Nick
Polites, Tony Toumpourou, Sam Papasavvas,
Eugenia Mitrakas, Savas Augoustakis.
They encountered difficulties in
setting up the Society. Neither the Church, nor
the Greek Orthodox Community of Melbourne and
Victoria understood the purpose of it. The
Community wanted to start something of its own
but did not know how to go about it. They were
saying “we have the priests; they are our own
social workers.”
The Welfare group were saying “we need
So, the Church was not available, nor
the Community. The Cypriot Community, then at
Waratah Place, Melbourne, gave them some space
and they opened there a small office. Some
friends invited some members of the welfare
organisation to become members of the Greek
Community. Spiro’s uncle Constantinos Koutoupes
was at the time, in 1968, the Vice President of
the Community, so quite a few members of the
welfare organisation joined the Community,
because politically you need a strong
organisation. Spiro became involved with the
Greek Orthodox Community in the election of 1972
when people came and asked to do something in
the Community with people who knew what they
were talking about. By then his uncle,
Constantinos Koutoupes, had died.
At the election of 1972 the opposition
to Elefantis ticket won the election and all 19
seats in the Community Council. Andeas Skrinis
was elected President and Spiro was elected Vice
President. The AGWS’ office was brought from the
Cypriot Community to the Greek Community’s
Lonsdale Street.
Things, however, did not change much.
Some people on the Council knew what the welfare
members were talking about, but the majority did
not. The President Skrinis seemed to understand
but he was too much involved with politics. Some
others had their own agendas and setting up a
professional welfare organisation was not part
of it. For example, the purchase of 40 acres of
prime land property by the river in Lower Plenty
at a cost of $38,000 at the time was rejected by
the Committee although it was planned to be
utilised for Community projects for Youth and
the elderly. The land was bought subsequently by
the Ivanhoe Grammar Boys’ School.
The Welfare group had their own agenda
which included setting up elderly citizens
clubs, setting up nursing homes, setting up a
welfare organisation, setting up a lobby group
to lobby governments. You need a strong lobby
group to lobby the government for the rights of
The AGWS was first housed in the
Cypriot Community and after 1972 in the GOCM&V.
It was not fully developed, then, and they
thought if the Community took up the policies,
they might not need a separate organisation. But
seeing that the majority on the Committee did
not understand the need for professionals to
lobby the Government for the rights of migrants,
they maintained from then on, the Welfare
Society as an independent body. Margaret and
Spiro in his practice were seeing the migrant
problems and needs constantly. They saw the
poverty of migrants, their hard work, and its
consequences and that their children
consequently also suffered. AGWS was modelled on
the Italian (COA-SIT) and Jewish Welfare
Issues and
problems of the Greek Community at the time
In 1972-74
when Dr Moraitis was on the Committee, he saw
the following major needs: Number one, it needed
a strong lobby group, number two, it needed a
professional organisation to provide for the
needs of migrants in their own language, number
three, it needed to develop elderly citizens
clubs because by then the Greek community was
becoming an elderly community. Number four, the
Greek Community needed old age homes and nursing
homes. Number five, the Community needed to
provide for the cultural side of things.
The Community provided the Greek
School but in Spiro’s opinion not in the
professional manner needed. The Community
schools of 1972 were not much different to its
schools of 1959. Not only the schools but also
the teachers and their attitudes. In actual fact
the Greek School set up in the forties by kyria
Vrachna, Stathis Raftopoulos and Nina Black was
far superior to any Greek schools set up in the
late 1950s, sixties and early seventies, in the
early days of mass migration. The school of the
forties was bilingual, not monolingual as
occurred with the schools of mass migration.
Dr Moraitis left the GOCM&V in 1974,
he only stayed there for two years. He was
dissatisfied with the level of understanding of
the real problems. In his opinion, the Community
needed to become mainstream, so they could lobby
governments. In the Welfare Society those issues
were discussed a lot, that’s why they opted to
take the name “Australian Greek Welfare
Society”. The name was adopted after a lot
of thought and discussion. It was about
Australians of Greek background.
The biggest failure of the Greek
Community, at the time, in Spiro’s opinion, was
the lack of unity. His friend, the teacher
Costas Yiamiadakis was working very hard to get
everyone not to agree with each other but to get
some form of unity towards the Government. In
the Committee of the Greek Community there were
19 people. There wasn’t much unity, they agreed
to disagree. Some did not understand the issues.
They would say “We don’t need aged people’s
homes because the Greeks look after their own
aged persons.” But
he could see at his practice that this wasn’t
the case. Part of their program was to build
aged people’s homes. The Greek Orthodox
Community had some land in Gore Street, Fitzroy
which could be ideal for this purpose. He
suggested it but he did not get much support.
Another problem was that the Community
organisation was too political and lacked unity.
At that time, it was anathema to be a supporter
of liberals. It was great to be a supporter of
Labor. But you need to use both. There was a
Labor Government in Canberra but a Liberal
Government in Melbourne. Later the order was
reversed. You had to be independent. Not to put
all your eggs in one basket. They were trying
instrumentally to change the attitude. That you
don’t worry about Liberal, Labor, National or
whatever. You don’t take sides when you speak
for community issues. You worry about the
“Paroikia”, about issues and you stick to
Another problem was that the AGWS as a
lobby group at the time, could not get tax
deductibility for its donations – as it wasn’t
considered a philanthropic organisation. That
was the reason that they created the
“Australian Greek Society for the Care of the
Elderly -Frondida”, as a separate body, in
order to get tax deductibility for donations. In
some ways this was a pity because it doesn’t
show unity to the Government. The Government
tends to play one against the other.
Were there
satisfaction and disappointments during his
participation in the administration of the
disappointment was the lack of unity and the
lack of understanding in general, because there
were some very good people on the Committee.
They were supportive but most of them did not
understand the issues. It was satisfactory to
have the opportunity to come to know what the
Community was about and how politics and the
committee work. From that point of view, I
learned a lot.
How could the
efficiency of the GOCM&V have improved?
to reduce the number of the people on the
Committee, 19 people are too many. Probably
between seven and nine persons are sufficient to
run the Executive efficiently. You have large
football associations of 30,000 members which
elect committees of seven to nine persons.
Politically, it might not be feasible in the
Greek Community to have a small Committee
answerable to a General Meeting.
How did he see the
future of the Greek community in Australia?
Australians must become mainstream as it
happened in America. In the future there will be
drastic changes. One must look at the number of
marriages inside and outside the community. In
time, except for a small core, there will be
assimilation. I am not saying immediately but in
the future. We have now in Melbourne about 35
churches. Do you think that we are going to have
that number in 50 years’ time? I don’t think so.
Unless there is address to changes. Changes
emanating from inside and outside the Church.
Think of the English language, for example, it
has become the lingua franca throughout the
world, and yet it is still difficult to have the
liturgy in English.
How does
he remember a number of people involved in the
Greek community during his active involvement
with it?
I remember
fondly Costas Yiamiadakis for his hard work, for
his teaching, for his commitment to the Greek
Orthodox Community and his commitment to the
Greek community at large.
Dimitis Elefantis was the previous
president of the GOCM&V. He was out when we were
in. I think he was no better or worse than our
committee of 19. He served the Community well in
his time, concentrating more on the churches and
Andreas Skrinis was an educated
person, he meant well again. I felt that he was
more interested in the politics of the
Christos Doufas
had an
impression on me. He was an excellent person. He
was very logical, he had a lot of common sense
and humour, and he understood politics. The
funniest thing he said was that all the 19 of us
should take a boat to the middle of the bay and
pull the plague out. He could combine politics
with common sense. He had a great influence on
Another person who meant well and
could combine politics with common sense was
Peter Katsimadakos. Neos Kosmos, also
through its editor Dimitri Gogos was a good
supporter and published many supportive
Other comments and
Our young
people now have their own careers in the
mainstream. In my fifty years as a general
practitioner, I have observed the changes. It is
46 years here since I started as a General
Practitioner with Margaret as my secretary. I am
very concerned because the community is going
through another phase. I am talking about the
migrants, about their children. Now the older
generation is experiencing health problems,
chronic illnesses, arthritis, dementia, ageing.
Those are now the problems of the older
generation. This includes us too.
Those interested in Bibliography
should consult AGWS “Greek Action Bouletin”.
Also: “An Historical and Sociological Study
on the AGWS” by Graham Lewis James Marsh,
School of Social Sciences, Department of
Sociology, La Trobe University, 1983. My own
archive has been placed with the National
Australian Archives in Canberra. Many many
people have given their time and effort
voluntarily for the betterment of the community.
Dr Christos Nicholas Fifis is
an Honorary Research Associate, Department of
Langouges and Cultures, La Trobe University